On Mars Sol (day) 707-714 the Curiosity rover visited Hidden Valley and snapped numerous photos of the landscape. In those photos, many extraordinary Mars anomalies can be found and visually prove life indeed arose on Mars in the past. Not only did life exist but was intelligent enough to create these anomalies. These Mars anomalies obviously raise many questions which will be controversial for most people. When will NASA confirm finding these images?
When the Mars Science Laboratory carrying the Curiosity rover launched on November 26, 2011 it set out to expand the knowledge gathered from the previous rover missions. Curiosity is essentially a lab on wheels and it’s mission was to investigate whether the past environment harbored potential microbial life. It also included a Mast Camera to capture images of the rover’s surroundings in HD stereo and color. Since it’s landing in Gale Crater on August 6, 2012 it has taken thousands of images of the Martian landscape which include numerous Mars anomalies. NASA’s number one science goal on the mission to Mars is to “Determine if Life Ever Arose On Mars“.
Original NASA Images: 707, 710, 710, 711
Full Images with highlighted areas: 707, 710, 710, 711
Mars Anomaly 1: Carved Stone of Turtle’s Head with Fish

Mars Anomaly 2: A Bull’s Head

Mars Anomaly 3: A Plant with Stems and Leaves

Mars Anomaly 4: Engineered Stone with Slanted Rounded Top and Matching Insert

Mars Anomaly 5: Engineered Stones with Circles

Mars Anomaly 6: Alien Creature

Mars Anomaly 7: Skull

Mars Anomaly 8: Sea Horse

Mars Anomaly 9: Animal Heads

Mars Anomaly 10: Elongated Alien Head

These are just a few of the anomalies found during the 707-714 sols. More can be seen in the posts below.