Mars Sol 714 Curiosity Hidden Valley – 0714ML0030400070304796E01

More Mars anomalies from the Sol 714 image collection. As with most of the 714 images I believe we are looking at a debris field of metal. Since NASA doesn’t provide a true color image and adds filters to the images it’s sometimes hard to decipher rocks and other items. But below I have pointed out some anomalies that clearly don’t look natural.

Mastcam: Left 2014-08-09 19:18:34 UTC – Original Image from Mars Rover Curiosity at Hidden Valley


0714ML0030400070304796E01_DXXX enhanced

mars sol 714 anomaly artifacts 21 was life on mars

mars sol 714 anomaly artifacts 21a was life on mars

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mars sol 714 anomaly artifacts 22a was life on mars

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mars sol 714 anomaly artifacts 24 was life on mars

mars sol 714 anomaly artifacts 25 was life on mars

mars sol 714 anomaly artifacts 25a was life on mars

mars sol 714 anomaly artifacts 26 was life on mars

mars sol 714 anomaly artifacts 27 was life on mars

mars sol 714 anomaly artifacts 28 was life on mars

mars sol 714 anomaly artifacts 29 was life on mars

mars sol 714 anomaly artifacts 29a was life on mars

mars sol 714 anomaly artifacts 30 was life on mars

mars sol 714 anomaly artifacts 31 was life on mars


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Mars Sol 710 Curiosity Hidden Valley – 0710MR0030150080402502E01

As with the other photos in the Mars Sol 710 image group, there are so many fascinating anomalies in this image, so I have highlighted a few but there are many more. This one includes the shark fin rock and has some interesting anomalies right on it. Is it another case of pareiodolia where lights and shadows run amok? Or are there really carvings on the rock? It’s also the photo to the right of the Mars Crab.

Mastcam: Right 2014-08-05 13:25:25 UTC – Original Image from Mars Rover Curiosity at Hidden Valley


mars sol 710 shark fin rock hidden valley b

mars anomaly faces on shark fin rock sol 710 was life on mars

mars anomaly faces on shark fin rock edge detection filter sol 710 was life on mars


mars anomaly serpent creature sbs sol 710 was life on mars

mars anomaly serpent creature sol 710 was life on mars


mars anomaly statues of creatures sol 710 was life on mars

mars anomaly statues of creatures sbs sol 710 was life on mars


mars anomaly rock engraved sol 710 was life on mars


mars anomaly rock image sol 710 was life on mars


mars anomaly creatures statue heads sol 710 was life on mars


mars anomaly creature statue head sol 710 was life on mars

mars anomaly giant creature statue head over crab sol 710 was life on mars

mars anomaly giant creature statue head over crab edge filter sol 710 was life on mars

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Mars Sol 712 Curiosity Hidden Valley – 0712MR0030300020402534E01

More Mars Sol 712 anomalies. This one has a few amazing ones, starting with the creature extending off the rock wall. It has a long neck with ears, eyes and flat extended mouth. One other interesting anomaly is a v-shaped item somewhat buried and broken towards the tip on the side of the slope. Many more anomalies can be found in the photo as well.

Mastcam: Right 2014-08-07 14:26:48 UTC – Original Image from Mars Rover Curiosity at Hidden Valley



mars anomaly creature statue off wall sbs sol 712 was life on mars


mars anomaly v-shape sbs sol 712 was life on mars


mars anomaly heads sbs sol 712 was life on mars


mars anomaly heads b sol 712 was life on mars

mars anomaly heads c sol 712 was life on mars

mars anomaly heads d sol 712 was life on mars

mars anomaly heads e sol 712 was life on mars


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Mars Sol 712 Curiosity Hidden Valley – 0712MR0030300010402533E01

The next photo in the 712 mastcam series and it has a lot going on. Still trying figure out some items and may never be able but here are the ones found so far. The arrows pointing at the dark spots in the sand I believe are wet spots and similar to what NASA pointed out when they announced finding water. Lots of interesting anomalies in the photo.

Mastcam: Right 2014-08-07 14:26:14 UTC – Original Image from Mars Rover Curiosity at Hidden Valley



mars anomaly horse and other items sol 712 was life on mars
There are a lot of items in the photo and still trying to figure out some but there is a horse like creature sticking off the wall, two bird shaped creatures, a reptile looking creature with a round item. There is also a ledge with anomalies sticking off it.

mars anomaly horse and other items outined sol 712 was life on mars


mars anomaly horse side by side outlined sol 712 was life on mars
Horse like creature attached to wall.

mars anomaly heads b sol 712 was life on mars

mars anomaly heads e sol 712 was life on mars

mars anomaly heads c sol 712 was life on mars

mars anomaly heads d sol 712 was life on mars


mars anomaly creature outlined sbs sol 712 was life on mars
Some type of creature and stone with straight lines, 90 degree angles.


mars anomaly broken face sbs sol 712 was life on mars
Broken face on ground.
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Mars Sol 712 Curiosity Hidden Valley – 0712MR0030300000402532E01

Mars Sol 712 anomalies. I think a couple of these have already been found but the eye is pretty obvious with the pentagon shape. The anomaly on the very top with the large arrow looks like some type of vessel and would be very surprised no one has pointed it out. The arrow below it points to an anomaly that has a v shape sticking out the ground. The other arrow points to an anomaly that resembles a sea creature with a fin (dolphin).  The circled area contains an anomaly that looks like large teeth with cuts at the bottom of it. I believe this area was a wall with a mural of creatures carved and molded in to it. There are six photos in sequence and will follow up with the rest.

Mastcam: Right 2014-08-07 14:25:56 UTC – Original Image from Mars Rover Curiosity at Hidden Valley



mars anomaly carved stones 2 sol 712 was life on mars

mars anomaly carved stones 2 sol 712 was life on mars 2

mars anomaly carved stones sol 712 was life on mars

mars anomaly carved stones sol 712 was life on mars 1

mars anomaly animal statue sol 712 was life on mars

mars anomaly animal statue a sol 712 was life on mars

mars anomaly face sol 712 was life on mars

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Mars Sol 713 Curiosity Hidden Valley – 0713ML0030340030304750E01

Mars Sol 713 anomalies. First glance at this photo from the Mars rover Curiosity, there seem to be some wall looking type structures on the side of the hill. They look like stacked rocks but the most interesting anomaly in the photo is in the very bottom left corner. It clearly shows a few perfectly square stones stacked and part of a wall and survived whatever horrific event happened on Mars.

Mastcam: Left 2014-08-08 18:21:24 UTC – Original Image from Mars Rover Curiosity at Hidden Valley




mars anomaly square stones in wall sol 713 was life on mars 2
Perfectly square stones stacked in wall.


mars anomaly square stone with holes sol 713 was life on mars 2
Circles in a square stone maybe for piping.


mars anomaly reptile head with fingers beside it sol 713 was life on mars 2
A reptile head with fingers to the side of it. Looks to be made from the same material like the other heads.


mars anomaly reptile head sol 713 was life on mars 2
Another reptile looking head with nostril and some type of design on it.


mars anomaly head 2 sol 713 was life on mars 2
A head that looks to be a collage of other heads on it. Three cylindrical objects can be seen laying around it.


mars anomaly rock with strange lines sol 713 was life on mars
A rock with odd lines in it.


mars anomaly head sol 713 was life on mars
Another head but hard to make out what it could be.


mars anomaly t shaped items sol 713 was life on mars
These are interesting and it’s not the first time I’ve seen these T shaped anomalies lying around.
Read more "Mars Sol 713 Curiosity Hidden Valley – 0713ML0030340030304750E01"